Sunday, February 20, 2011

I have an interesting story to relate about what happened last night(see post below for more information). I am 18 years old. I was at my friend Tater's house, talking to String Bean. He informs me that a 43 year old g-milf is texting him. I didn't believe it until he showed me the messages. She is 43, has three children, two of whom are older than Bean and myself, and one grandchild. String Bean decides he doesn't really wanna sleep with this woman, so I ask if he'll pass the torch to me. He agrees. I begin texting this 43 year old woman, and she starts telling me about herself, like what she looks like, where she lives, etc... At this point i'm rather excited. I am going to sleep with this lady if for nothing else, bragging rights. I should have known. I wake up this morning and look at my phone. I have a message asking me to call her so we can talk. I'm iffy, as i'm no longer drunk. However, I call. Gentlemen let me tell you, this woman was so black sounding, I almost shit my pants. And apparently she didn't want a one night stand, she wanted a relationship. She was asking me about kids and marriage. I panic. I decide there's only option for me now. I have to pretend to die. Not really, but the thought crossed my mind. Anyway, I talked to her before calmly explaining how, if she was either a: Just black, or b: Just 43, I would be fine, but both is a bit much for me. Then she proceeds to ask me why I have a problem with interracial marriage. I try to explain that that's not the case, but shes adamant. She's becoming frustrated now, so I hung up the phone. I will soon set her up with one of my friends, just like String Bean did to me.


  1. Hah yeah you should probably keep your phone away from reach if you are drinking.

  2. nice, milf action is always a good idea!

  3. find out if she's rich, if so get married and divorced and get some cash =P

  4. She works at a Wal-Mart if that tells ya anything haha
